Chemical Anchor Calculator

Online calculator that simplifies the calculation of the amount of chemical anchor to be used in the project and/or in the work.

Choose the product

Injectable Adhesive – EP 131 - 585ml
Injectable Adhesive – VI 1101 - 345ml
Injectable Adhesive – Epoxy Pro - 600ml
Injectable Adhesive – Vinyl Pro (chemical bushing) - 300ml


Specify the Project

Terms of use:

Depending on the application, the conditions of use may vary. This leads directly to the percentage of waste, which can happen due to different causes:

1 – Experience of the applicator;

2 – Frequency of installation of the chemical anchor;

3 – Dimensions of the anchor to be installed.

The 3rd topic presented has the greatest influence on the percentage of waste. Applications with very small holes, in diameter and/or embedding, require the operator to have great skill in the application, also taking into account the hole execution errors, crooked hole or with greater depth. The experience will guide the user in choosing the best use condition.

If you have any questions or need more information, send an email to [email protected].