Does Flexpren waterproofing need a reinforcement screen? 

The reinforcement mesh is used to increase the mechanical resistance of the waterproofing, so it is generally used in critical points, such as sharp corners, vertical edges, horizontal edges, drains, etc. 

However, the waterproofing Fexpren doesn’t need the reinforcement mesh. The product was developed using MS Polymer® technology, which after curing forms a flexible, waterproof membrane with excellent adhesion to concrete, ensuring complete waterproofing in the applied area and doesn’t need a reinforcement screen. 

By doing that, the use of the reinforcement mesh is an option if you want to have a double guarantee of waterproofing, especially in areas where there is more cracking, such as expansion joints. 

Do you want to learn more about it? Watch our videoTeste de impermeabilização: Manta Flexpren x Manta Acrílica”. In this video a test was performed and proved in practice why the Flexpren blanket does not need a reinforcement cloth.