MS 425 Facade Sealant
MS Polymer Adhesive and Sealant for facade joints
HARD MS 425 FACADE a sealant adhesive especially designed for building facades. Designed with MS Polymer technology, it has a low module and is solvent free. Designed to provide higher durability, it can also be painted and applied over damp surfaces.
The best option for sealing facades
The Anti UV-B additives, which can be found in the composition of MS 425 Construction, provide a sealant with high durability to weather and climatic agents. It does not contract, neither dries out, with an estimated useful life of up to 12 years, according to the NBR 15.575 performance standard.
The construction work doesn’t stop after it rains
The high percentage of base polymers in its composition allows the MS 425 Construction to be applied on damp surfaces, preventing you from having to wait until the sun appears to have your work dried.
It supports movement
Designed in a low elasticity module to meet the most diverse coefficients of expansion of materials used in bonded, painted and textured facades. Thus, allowing to seal the expansion joints eliminating risks of infiltration through long periods of time.